Sunday 19 September 2010

Greenpeace ' The Bomb'

I don't usually find Greenpeace's advertisements all that convincing, as they usually go down the route of subliminally calling everyone who uses too much water or has a large car a murderer, and they always flash the cliched provocative images of dying animals and melting glaciers at us in an attempt to tug at our heart strings, but we have seen all that before. This time; Greenpeace released a short moving image created by Grey, Tel Aviv in Isreal which cleverly and beautifully compares a plastic bag landing in a remote area to a bomb, and as it lands the bomb creates a mushroom cloud similar to that of an atomic bomb. Cleverly saying (although it might be slightly exaggerating in its comparison) a plastic bag can cause great damage to the environment. This particular film appealed to me because it is very subtle imagery but also extremely effective and visually pleasing. Senior creative director of this piece was Jonathan Stirin. One poster named 'Stop The Catastrophe' featuring a tree oddly shaped like a mushroom cloud was created by Saatchi & Saatchi in Bucharest, Romania.

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