Thursday 16 September 2010

Love Life Stop Aids:'Too fast to think about condoms?'

Agency: Euro RSCG, Zurich
Client: Swiss Federal Office of Public Health
Released September 2009
The brief is to highlight the risk involved in unprotected spontaneous sex. The problem is being solved by showing the audience situations in which they may have been in, and allowing them to see how easy it can be to get yourself in quick and dangerous situations that can result in sexually transmitted diseases.

The campaign calls for people to carry protection on a daily basis just in case a situation like this occurs. I find it clever how the agency decided to use the shortest advertisement time on Swiss TV ever, to represent how quickly these situations can occur, they want people to carry condoms around to make sure they are well prepared if this ever happens to them.

I find this campaign innovative is that unprotected sex can be 'quick sex' which has then been represented through the medium. The message is also pretty straight forward along with the tag line 'Too quick to think of condoms?'. I did find this slightly funny the first time I saw it; but the adverts are only a small part of the campaign. The central part of this campaign is the website where people who have had unprotected sex are able to take a personal 'risk check'. within 5days of the campaign launch the website attracted over 400,000 visitors, 65% of which carried out a risk check. Pretty successful i'd say.

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