Tuesday 5 October 2010

Canon Pixma Colour Sound Sculptures

Advertising Agency: Dentsu London
Executive Creative Director: Andy Lockley
Client: Canon Pixma

"Canon is running Colour Sculptures, an integrated advertising campaign for the PIXMA colour printer in the UK, using high speed photography by biochemist and photographer Linden Gledhill. The colour sculptures, featured online, in print, outdoor and in store advertising, were formed by passing sound waves through paint. The ‘colour sculptures’ were created by stretching a balloon over a speaker to form a membrane. A few drops of paint were then placed in the centre of the balloon and a single sharp note was played through the speaker, causing the paint to erupt for just a fraction of a second. Just a few centimetres high, the sculptures are ordinarily invisible to the human eye. However, when filmed in HD with macro lenses at 5,400 frames per second, the physical sound wave is captured in intricate detail." The campaign imagery is simply beautiful and the online videos are quite jaw dropping at how realistic they are. What I love about this campaign is that no matter how many times I watch it is never becomes an effort, there is something quite relaxing about watching the shapes and colours move about in such realistic quality, almost the same effect a lava lamp has.

Use of media include interactive, Print Press Posters Billboards, TV Ads Cinema and Online Videos

"Not made for running. Great for kicking asses"

Advertising Agency: Theinspirationroom
Creative Directors: Maxi Anselmo, Sebas Wilhem, Luis Ghidotti and Pablo Minces
Client: Diesel

Promoting their new range of trainers under the slogan "Not Made For Running, Great For kicking Asses". A funny campaign about how suitable the Diesels trainers are if you're ever in need of kicking someone's arse, but it makes sure to tell and show the public at the end of their online viral, that their trainers are not made for running, i suppose this would be useful if you ever happen to kick someone that decides to retaliate. The campaign follows the popular "Stupid" campaign, and the reason that Diesel's new range of trainers has nothing to do with running is "because you run when you're scared. Scared of getting fat. or being late, or that something bad will happen to you. Diesel is different. Diesel is stupid and stupid doesn't run from anything". 

They have an interactive activity on their website dedicated to the various styles of the new trainers and kickable characters all awaiting an ass kicking. The campaign also features many video clips of 'asses' being kicked as well as print work which have been used for posters, one of which features 'The Ass- Kicking Machine'. I found this innovative in the sense that i have not seen a campaign to use a form on assault to advertise their trainers. The outcome made me laugh, and a bonus being able to watch various people being kicked all by very stylish shoes.

Sunday 26 September 2010

Woman's Aid: Cut

Advertising Agency: Grey London
Client: Woman's Aid
Director: Joe Wright
A collaboration between Woman's Aid and Grey London to launch a national domestic violence awareness campaign. Aimed at all woman living in a relationship subjected to domestic violence. This short film brings together a 50 strong film crew of Oscar and BAFTA winning director, cinematographers and designers, whom all donated their time to be part of the campaign, as did actress Keira Knightly.

The short film is staged to seem like everyone is watching a movie, as the scene unfolds the male actor becomes aggressive; actress kiera Knightly turns to talk to the camera/audience "sorry we didn't agree to that, that wasn't in the script", as she is slapped to the floor her attempt to shout for help fails as camera zooms out and the film set appears in surreal mix between fantasy and reality. Grey's tagline fittingly asks "isn't it time someone called cut?". 
The was shown throughout cinemas in the UK during 2009.


Agency: Colenzo BBDDO, Auckland
Client: New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation
Executive Creative Director: Nick Worthington

This breast cancer awareness ad aims to encourage people to book a mammogram, through statements attempting to give the audience a reality check of "the longer you wait to act bigger the problem becomes", compared to the majority of breast cancer awareness ads this one shows the audience a literal interpretation of how big the 'problem' can become; through the slow growth of the grossly expanding pink blob taking over the suburban home.

 A clever interpretation of the 1950's "The Blob', the agency has used the concept and blocked sidewalks of Auckland with various sizes of "bulbous, veiny street art tumors" (Animal, NYC). Successfully attracting the attention of passes by and also reminding them about the danger of undiagnosed breast cancer.
Ad aimed at all women specifically of the age 40 to 50 to be screened at least every two years if not every year.

Saturday 25 September 2010

Geek Squad

Advertising Agency: Miami Ad School, Madrid, Spain
Art Director: Santiago Cosme
Copywriter: Victor Javier Blanco

A campaign to encourage people to call the Geek Squad before 'it gets nasty' as the strap line tells us. An attempt to show a visual interpretation of a potentially 'nasty' problem through the curse words. The art direction on the phrases have been cut off just at the right point, any sooner and the public is at risk of not understanding the phrase, any later...well that would just get 'nasty'. There's something about seeing curse words in public that makes me giggle like a child, very simple and gets the point across, but does leave the public questioning what exactly is it that they fix.

Carlton Draught

"Innnn Slooooooow Mooooooootionn"
Created by Advertising Agency Clemenger BBDO Melbourne, Australia
Executive Creative Director: Ant Keogh
Copy Writer Richard Williams

An advert made for Australian Tv, advertising Carlton Draught. Nice to see Carlton are still going strong with the ads, the copywrite on this one is pretty funny as they have replaced original lyrics to the tasteful piece of music "Nessa Dorma" with some hilarious lyrics fit for the pint drinking blokes at the pub "i want a Carlton Draught, Chips and lasagna" followed at the end by "blah blah blah blaaaahhhh blaaaahhhhh". You can't help but laugh as you watch the scene unfold in slow motion, filled with emotionally stunted and physically repellant drunks, from the man dancing and thrusting his pelvis to their pathetic attempt at parlor games and the painstaking wait as the glasses fall from the man's tray right on top of the table of females. All perfectly topped off with a moronic tagline, "Made From Beer". Not sure if this is the best way to portray a product, but its definitely realistic; which you have to give them kudos for.
I'd say this ad is aimed more towards the 35 to 50 year old pub goers, but in general terms it is aimed at anyone who is of the drinking age, and in Australia that 18.

Dove: Evolution