Sunday 26 September 2010

Woman's Aid: Cut

Advertising Agency: Grey London
Client: Woman's Aid
Director: Joe Wright
A collaboration between Woman's Aid and Grey London to launch a national domestic violence awareness campaign. Aimed at all woman living in a relationship subjected to domestic violence. This short film brings together a 50 strong film crew of Oscar and BAFTA winning director, cinematographers and designers, whom all donated their time to be part of the campaign, as did actress Keira Knightly.

The short film is staged to seem like everyone is watching a movie, as the scene unfolds the male actor becomes aggressive; actress kiera Knightly turns to talk to the camera/audience "sorry we didn't agree to that, that wasn't in the script", as she is slapped to the floor her attempt to shout for help fails as camera zooms out and the film set appears in surreal mix between fantasy and reality. Grey's tagline fittingly asks "isn't it time someone called cut?". 
The was shown throughout cinemas in the UK during 2009.


Agency: Colenzo BBDDO, Auckland
Client: New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation
Executive Creative Director: Nick Worthington

This breast cancer awareness ad aims to encourage people to book a mammogram, through statements attempting to give the audience a reality check of "the longer you wait to act bigger the problem becomes", compared to the majority of breast cancer awareness ads this one shows the audience a literal interpretation of how big the 'problem' can become; through the slow growth of the grossly expanding pink blob taking over the suburban home.

 A clever interpretation of the 1950's "The Blob', the agency has used the concept and blocked sidewalks of Auckland with various sizes of "bulbous, veiny street art tumors" (Animal, NYC). Successfully attracting the attention of passes by and also reminding them about the danger of undiagnosed breast cancer.
Ad aimed at all women specifically of the age 40 to 50 to be screened at least every two years if not every year.

Saturday 25 September 2010

Geek Squad

Advertising Agency: Miami Ad School, Madrid, Spain
Art Director: Santiago Cosme
Copywriter: Victor Javier Blanco

A campaign to encourage people to call the Geek Squad before 'it gets nasty' as the strap line tells us. An attempt to show a visual interpretation of a potentially 'nasty' problem through the curse words. The art direction on the phrases have been cut off just at the right point, any sooner and the public is at risk of not understanding the phrase, any later...well that would just get 'nasty'. There's something about seeing curse words in public that makes me giggle like a child, very simple and gets the point across, but does leave the public questioning what exactly is it that they fix.

Carlton Draught

"Innnn Slooooooow Mooooooootionn"
Created by Advertising Agency Clemenger BBDO Melbourne, Australia
Executive Creative Director: Ant Keogh
Copy Writer Richard Williams

An advert made for Australian Tv, advertising Carlton Draught. Nice to see Carlton are still going strong with the ads, the copywrite on this one is pretty funny as they have replaced original lyrics to the tasteful piece of music "Nessa Dorma" with some hilarious lyrics fit for the pint drinking blokes at the pub "i want a Carlton Draught, Chips and lasagna" followed at the end by "blah blah blah blaaaahhhh blaaaahhhhh". You can't help but laugh as you watch the scene unfold in slow motion, filled with emotionally stunted and physically repellant drunks, from the man dancing and thrusting his pelvis to their pathetic attempt at parlor games and the painstaking wait as the glasses fall from the man's tray right on top of the table of females. All perfectly topped off with a moronic tagline, "Made From Beer". Not sure if this is the best way to portray a product, but its definitely realistic; which you have to give them kudos for.
I'd say this ad is aimed more towards the 35 to 50 year old pub goers, but in general terms it is aimed at anyone who is of the drinking age, and in Australia that 18.

Dove: Evolution

Parisian Love

Created by Googles in-house advertising agency Google Creative Lab, USA, (directed by Aaron Duffy) this has got to be one of the cutest ads iv seen, shown first during The Super Bowl, Google made a very rare television appearance to show the world how easy it easy to search for anything you want on their Google search engine. They have cleverly put together a 'Search Story' where you can see one American man's journey of finding love with a French woman in Paris. And via their Youtube Channel 'Search Stories' others have been able to create their own 'Search Story' for others to see.

What I like about this is that many people already know how helpful and fast Google is but for those who don't know, this shows how many services Google has to offer from search, maps, dictionary and Wikipedia. The audience gains clear benefit through product demonstration. Clear, simple, effective and entertaining...what more could one want! This fully engages the audience from the get go and the cutest bit has got to be when he types 'long distance relationship advice' and then erases it and types 'jobs in paris' aww!

Crash The Super Bowl

Crash The Super Bowl is a contest/campaign created by Doritos in which the general public can enter to win a $1,000,000 cash prize for first place, the public must make an advert for Doritos in what ever format or style they wish. 2010 was the 4th time Doritos had run this contest/campaign in an effort to bring forth the prospective copywriters, art directors, directors and producers. This years contest saw 4000 films submitted but only 6 finalists. The adverts are shown during America's famous sports championship The Superbowl, and people are encouraged to vote for their favourite ad with an incentive of 2 Superbowl tickets to be won by day if they vote. The votes are counted by USA Today Ad Meter.

Just by the sheer amount of money that is up for grabs I think anyone would be a fool not to enter, although guidelines restrict this competition to competitors in the USA. Damn! I really do love this idea, not only does the general public get the chance to showcase their copywriting and directing skills, but Doritos gets an amazing amount of publicity by having some of the most expensive television air time during The Super Bowl.

Here are a few of the ads that made it to the finals...the ones below actually made me laugh out loud. is the site where the public can find out everything they need to know about how to participate. Participants must be 18+, but the adverts and product are aimed at everyone who has access to a television and who can purchase the product.

Wednesday 22 September 2010

French Connection 'The Man'

Advertising Agency: Fallon London
Client: French Connection 
Executive Creative Director: Richard Flintham, Dirk van Dooren

This is Man. This is Woman. 
Simple, artistic and fashionable. A re-design of the brand in my opinon, French Connection have created a campaign fitting for the modern man and woman. Filled with amazing black and white photography, the old foreign film style videos and some ingenious copy writing. Although I had never visited the old site, I am pleasantly pleased with the current aesthetic of the site now, as it has been linked to this campaign. The straight forward, blunt copy is what really makes the brand approachable for every male and female, whilst advertising the quality of the brand and clothes, fallon have added quite a humorous edge to it aswel.

Below is the current installment to the campaign which will be shown throughout cinemas. 

It will be supported by a site re-design, an in-store re-design, including shopping bags, window design, wall design and audio

Sky Arts 'street galleries'

Strongbow 'The Most Refreshing Pint'

London's Largest Ever Outdoor Exhibition

Advertising Agency: The Good Agency
Client: The Elephant family

Elephant Parade London 2010 was London's biggest ever outdoor art exhibition. Over 260 specifically designed sculptures paraded around London, seen by over 25 million people. The social media campaign was launched for the Elephant Family, who dedicate their time to the protection of Asian elephants in their natural habitat. The campaign's aim was to pressurise the government to protect the species' future by collecting 100,000 signatures in support for the charity which would then be delivered to Downing Street. The Good Agency put together an online video featuring the footage of this years Elephant Parade London and images of the elephants in their natural habitat. The specially painted elephants were auctioned off and raised a whopping 4 million pounds for the cause.


Nokia 'Dot'

Director Sumo Science and agency Wieden & kennedy, London have created this amazingly shot short film for Nokia for their N8 12 megapixel camera phone. And what's innovative and astonishing about this advert is that it has been filmed using the N8 camera phone! Not only has also entered the Guinness World Records for 'The smallest stop motion character in a film'. The innovative ideas doesn't stop there, the film was shot using a new invention by Professor Fletcher called Cellscope, which is a Nokia device with a microscope attached to it, and it was this invention which inspired the 'Dot' animation. I think this advert sells everything that someone would want from a phone, being able to call out doesn't seem as important anymore for Nokia when there competitors iphone and Blackberry have the market on lock. People tend to ask so much more from a phone and I truly believe a Nokia 12 megapixel camera phone that can shoot films like this is surely back in the running.

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Veva Vena!

A surrealist advertisement created for fashion designers Lisa Mayock and Sophie Buhai of fashion label Veva Cava. 
Created by LT and Co and Gretal. 
Vena Cava have created an artsy surrealist film in preparation for their new fashion collection, the random collection of black and white objects make up this quirky and rather entertaining video for the label. Quite unusual to see an artsy animation to promote a fashion line but this is why i think it is innovative and they as designers and separated themselves from the regular photo shoot format.

Sunday 19 September 2010

Greenpeace ' The Bomb'

I don't usually find Greenpeace's advertisements all that convincing, as they usually go down the route of subliminally calling everyone who uses too much water or has a large car a murderer, and they always flash the cliched provocative images of dying animals and melting glaciers at us in an attempt to tug at our heart strings, but we have seen all that before. This time; Greenpeace released a short moving image created by Grey, Tel Aviv in Isreal which cleverly and beautifully compares a plastic bag landing in a remote area to a bomb, and as it lands the bomb creates a mushroom cloud similar to that of an atomic bomb. Cleverly saying (although it might be slightly exaggerating in its comparison) a plastic bag can cause great damage to the environment. This particular film appealed to me because it is very subtle imagery but also extremely effective and visually pleasing. Senior creative director of this piece was Jonathan Stirin. One poster named 'Stop The Catastrophe' featuring a tree oddly shaped like a mushroom cloud was created by Saatchi & Saatchi in Bucharest, Romania.

Thursday 16 September 2010

The Size Issue

Creative Director: Stephen Gan
Photographer: Solve Sundsbo
Client: V Magazine

I don't think this is a campaign as such as there is nothing new being advertised or raised in 'The Size Issue', but rather an attempt to include every size female from the petite 100 pounds Dakota Fanning to the 250 pound actress Gabourey Sidibe. Rather than this being the usual attempt to force magazines and designers to use 'plus size models' i feel V Magazine has chosen to embrace their curves and show that they too can offer the same as a size 0 model.

The photo shoot above is a way that V Magazine has chosen to show that skinny models and larger models are capable of wearing the same style clothing and looking each fabulous on their own.
Not only is this innovative in the sense that they have used the plus size models for simply fashion purposes, but V Magazine is one of the first well known magazines to have used a plus size female on the front cover of their magazine.

Love Life Stop Aids:'Too fast to think about condoms?'

Agency: Euro RSCG, Zurich
Client: Swiss Federal Office of Public Health
Released September 2009
The brief is to highlight the risk involved in unprotected spontaneous sex. The problem is being solved by showing the audience situations in which they may have been in, and allowing them to see how easy it can be to get yourself in quick and dangerous situations that can result in sexually transmitted diseases.

The campaign calls for people to carry protection on a daily basis just in case a situation like this occurs. I find it clever how the agency decided to use the shortest advertisement time on Swiss TV ever, to represent how quickly these situations can occur, they want people to carry condoms around to make sure they are well prepared if this ever happens to them.

I find this campaign innovative is that unprotected sex can be 'quick sex' which has then been represented through the medium. The message is also pretty straight forward along with the tag line 'Too quick to think of condoms?'. I did find this slightly funny the first time I saw it; but the adverts are only a small part of the campaign. The central part of this campaign is the website where people who have had unprotected sex are able to take a personal 'risk check'. within 5days of the campaign launch the website attracted over 400,000 visitors, 65% of which carried out a risk check. Pretty successful i'd say.

Monday 13 September 2010

Diesel & Fiat Campaign: Disconnect From Facebook

Campaign created by Diesel's creative team and Fiat Style Center designers for the limited edition Fiat 500.

Diesel aims to get people to 'disconnect' from the social networking sites and get out into the real World. The Campaigns features and series of funny online videos which apply well known characteristics of Facebook to real life. This specific collaboration campaign aims to attract people who enjoy living 'real life' to change their computer seats for the car seats of the Fiat 500 and experience the real world. These clever videos by Diesel captures the attention of internet uses through the concept of 'notifications' and then brings in the idea of freedom and enjoying by having a stylish car. What i like about this campaign is that it mixes funny situations with real notifications off Facebook, making the outcome hilarious.

Monday 6 September 2010

League Against Cancer

Advertising Agency: Y&R Peru, Client: League Against Cancer, Executive Creative Director: Flavio Pantigoso, Art Director: Christian Sánchez, Mirko Cuculiza, Photographer: Photo stock

'too much sun will ruin a moment. protect yourself from excess sun exposure'

The brief was to make people aware of the damages caused by too much sun exposure skin and that it can potentially cause cancer. The campaign images draw a connection with how simple family fun photographs can get ruined from too much sun exposure therefore saying that the same can happen to your skin. The campaign uses a simple comparison with effective imagery and straight forward message. The simplicity is what makes this campaign work, as there's no need to over complicate something that's obvious.

What is clever about this is that many over exposed images can be quite beautiful but the photographer has taken it that little bit further to make sure that the image is completely ruined by the sun to get across that the sun is damaging.

Sunday 5 September 2010

Nike1: love

"As part of the lead up to the World Basketball Festival, Nike Sportswear is connecting the Five Boroughs of New York City in a celebration of hoops, culture, and its iconic Air Force 1 trainer. Nike Sportswear has chosen five ambassadors from each of the five boroughs to participate in 1LOVE, a program that includes a online documentary series, a basketball tournament, and a Manhattan block party takeover."

Nike Sports has succeeded in showing us the variety in culture for each of these boroughs in NYC, showing us how each area is unique in its own character and styles, while living in a culture of basketball surrounded by various styles of fashion and music.

What I love about these short films is that it gives a true representation on NYC, without all the glitz and glamour. But the way it has been shot and directed is truly beautiful, each with its own quirky feel. The Audience are those interested in basketball, culture and Air Force 1 trainers. The director has cleverly made the boroughs seem accessible to those on the outside by shooting the footage in a very positive way, whereas the media may have portrayed them negatively. I am really loving art direction and illustration used on these film, director bbgun is becoming one of my favourite directors.

Saturday 4 September 2010

Museum of London ' StreetMuseum'

Created by Brothers and Sisters Design Agency The Museum of London launched an iPhone app that enables users to access its extensive art and photographic images of the streets of London Developed in conjunction with Brothers and Sisters, the free StreetMuseum app utilises the iPhone's geolocation technology to allow users to hold up their phones to London landmarks and overlay a historic image of it on the real-time image. The launch of the app promotes the Museum of London's new galleries, which opened on 28 May. The new exhibits transport visitors through London's history, from 1666 to the present day. I find this innovative because this campaign makes use of the iphones popular technology, by creating an app it becomes accessible to the millions of people who have an iphone. This is also innovative in the sense that it mixes the old with the new to appeal to younger generations.